Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Key to Freelancing is to Keep on Kicking

Freelance writers have to keep on kicking.
It's the Only Way to Score

Want to make it as a freelance writer? Then you have to keep on kicking. Kicking out ideas, query letters, writing and edits. If you're not on the playing field, then you're not in the game.

If your in the game, you might as well aim for the goal. Don't pass the ball off. No one else can take the shot for you. Look for an opening and make your move. It's not an open net, there are goalkeepers you have to get past. The key is to have the right idea, line up the angle, kick it past the editor and score the gig.

Miss? Try again. Score? Awesome! Do it again. If your writing keeps scoring, you might be added to the team roster.

Are you aiming for the goal?

Photo credit: Xsmith / Wikimedia Commons


  1. Great post! That's how I feel about it too. :-)

  2. I'm hoping to kick it up a bit if I survive this challenge.

  3. I think I need that as a big bold sign on my desk to help me keep going when things are tough! :O)

  4. I love that. You are so right. I always say to artists, what have you made lately? Keep kicking.

  5. Not am I only looking for the goal and kicking towards that direction, I'm also looking ahead to the next game, too! And the one after that...

    By the way, it's a pleasure to meet you via the A-Z Challenge.

  6. great analogy. Always aim for the goal.
    Great meeting you through the A-Z!


  7. You make a convincing argument for freelance writing and this could be applied to blogging as well and other writing for those who write novels and other books and such.

    You're so right. If you're in the game, you might as well go for the goal, don't throw away the ball...I like that!

    The Madlab Post

  8. You are so right. Its all about the effort and determination you put into it.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  9. Well, said. Freelancing means self-marketing, and it never stops.

    Hello, fellow A-Z Challenger! Here's my latest entry. Come visit either of my blogs when you can and leave some comment love:

    Y is for Yoni (A-Z)
    Twitter: @SolarChief



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