Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lazarus Update: Form App Resurrects Lost Writing

Firefox App Article Saver for Glitchy Submission Templates
In July, I wrote about a form data saving application for Firefox called Lazarus. It looked like the ultimate solution to bringing back writing snatched away by submission template snafus. I promised an update, so here's the lowdown: It works!

I first had the chance to use the app a couple months ago. Logged out in the middle of submitting a finished article, I got the dreaded session log out message. Holding my breath and muttering, "Please, please, please work," I logged back in. Eyes closed, fingers crossed, I hit the 'Back' button twice and arrived at the blank template. Right clicking on an empty field, Lazarus was

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Freelancers Can Celebrate National Boss Day Too

Psst..Hey Boss, Thank Yourself Today!

National Boss Day may have been recognized yesterday, but as a freelancer you make your work week. October 16 is the actual designated date for Bosses Day, so give yourself a pat on the back.

Yes, you! As a freelance writer you are the boss. In the spirit oh the "holiday" be sure to reflect on everything you have done in that capacity to make your life as a writer easier.


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